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This research notebook major points are to bring together, present and highlight any documentation and multi-disciplinary work (archaeological operations, geo-archaeological and historical approaches, etc.) carried out in the Eure valley, part of western Paris Basin, where recent, active research has not yet given rise to syntheses. Since Prehistoric times, this area has been at the crossroads of several cultural groups, which is actually still noticeable at the boundaries of three regions –Normandy, Centre-Val de Loire and Île-de-France–, and as so has led the project to question the long-term evolution of natural and man-made landscapes as well as the changes the latter have undergone over time.

Topics covered range from the geo-archaeology of the valley to the training of cultural groups, from the development of territories to the impact of human actions on the evolution of landscapes. They also cover several methods tested and implemented as part of the project: geophysical surveys, topographical and architectural surveys, archaeological and geographical information systems (AIS | GIS), modelling, etc.

Both a field notebook fed during prospecting campaigns, and a means of spreading ongoing research (through seminars, workshops and colloquia), it is intended as a tool to share and exchange information, and to create synergies between all historical and archaeological knowledge. As such, it hosts two related ongoing projects:  on western Gaul: sacred landscape and rituals [GOPSeR –Gaule occidentale : paysage sacré et rituels] and  on a contribution of the remains of the Canal Louis XIV to current and past ecological continuities [Connect-Eure –Contribution des vestiges du Canal Louis XIV aux continuités écologiques actuelles et passées].


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